Project Spotlight

I-95 over Nassau River

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To explore the subsurface conditions at the I-95 Nassau River Bridge crossing of the Nassau River, MAE has performed Standard Penetration Test (SPT) drilling and rock coring at 24 locations for this ongoing FDOT District 2 project. Because the Nassau River is a major drainage channel for this area of Northeast Florida, site conditions were extremely challenging and the drilling was performed from amphibious and spud barge-mounted drill rigs. The borings were advanced to depths of 125 to 130 feet below the mudline by continuous split spoon sampling methods to refusal at the top of limestone, typically encountered at depths of 65 to 70 feet. At refusal, after setting steel casing to the top of the limestone stratum to seal the borehole, rock was cored using a 2-3/8” ID wireline core barrel. An engineering report is being prepared and will include recommendations for design and construction of non-redundant drilled shafts to support proposed crutch bents at 24 bridge pier locations.