Project Spotlight

NAVFAC Massey Avenue Corridor Improvements

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This project includes widening of Massey Avenue (NAS Mayport) to a two-lane corridor between Main and Baltimore Streets along with improvements at five intersections.   An additional parking lot was proposed near the corner of Supply Road and Massey Avenue and drainage improvements were proposed for the existing swales in the site area. MAE’s work included eight Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings in the proposed mast arm locations, 65 auger borings within the proposed pavement and parking areas, and 6 Double-Ring Infiltrometer (DRI) tests within the proposed swale improvement areas. Pavement coring was performed at 10 locations to observe the thickness of the existing pavement section and explore the foundation soils. Laboratory classification testing, including grain size analysis, percent fines, natural moisture, and organics content was also performed. Geotechnical recommendations included mast arm structures and pavement considerations,  DRI testing results and drainage improvement recommendations, Modulus of Subgrade Reaction information and site preparation and earthwork recommendations.