Project Spotlight

Walnut Ave. Paving – from Water Oak Rd to Forest Park St

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The site for the subject project is located along Walnut Avenue from Water Oak Road to Forest Park Street. in Bunnell, Flagler County, Florida. This project includes performing a geotechnical exploration, laboratory testing program and investigation of the planned roadway improvements that will consist of paving the existing dirt road with a proposed typical section of two 11-foot travel lanes, 3 to 4-foot grassed shoulders, and a 4H:1V embankment fill slope to tie into the existing ditch front slopes. All improvements will remain within the existing right-of-way of Walnut Avenue. To determine the subsurface conditions within the proposed roadway, we located and performed 40 auger borings, drilled to depths of approximately 6 to 11 feet below the existing ground surface. We also performed Quantitative laboratory testing was performed on selected samples of the soils encountered during the field exploration to better define the composition of the soils encountered and to provide data for correlation to their anticipated strength and compressibility characteristics.