Pablo Road to San Juan Drive – The project included the replacement of approximately 2,400 LF of existing 6-inch cast iron water main along Ponte Vedra Boulevard, from 133 Ponte Vedra Boulevard to the intersection of San Juan Drive and Ponte Vedra Boulevard. The existing water main was replaced with 12-inch PVC pipe constructed along the west side of Ponte Vedra Boulevard using traditional open cut methods. MAE performed a field exploration including Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and five auger borings located and drilled to depths of approximately 20 and 12 to 14.5 feet below the existing ground surface, respectively. In addition, 2 groundwater sampling wells were installed using 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted PVC wellscreen and 20/30 sand pack. After installation, the wells were developed and sampled for NPDES testing and permit application. |