Project Spotlight

Georgia Pacific-Bulkhead Investigation

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The subject project is located at the Georgia Pacific-Palatka Operations at 215 County Rd 216 approximately 1 mile west of US 17 in Palatka, Florida. This task order included performing a geotechnical exploration, laboratory testing program, and engineering analysis to evaluate the subsurface conditions along the existing bulkhead, to determine the probable causes for the observed soil subsidence, and to provide recommendations for repair and/or replacement of the bulkhead. To explore the subsurface conditions in front of the retaining wall, we located and performed 5 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings, drilled to a depth 40 feet below the existing mudline using an amphibious-mounted drill rig. To explore the subsurface conditions behind the retaining wall, we located and performed 5 SPT borings, drilled to a depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface using a truck-mounted drill rig. Quantitative laboratory testing was performed on selected samples of the soils encountered during the field exploration to better define their composition and to provide data for correlation to their anticipated strength and compressibility characteristics and one gallon of water from the adjacent creek was collected for corrosivity testing.