Project Spotlight

Mill Creek Elementary School Expansion

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MAE provided geotechnical services during the design phase and materials testing services during construction of the cafeteria and gymnasium buildings at the Mill Creek Elementary School located in St. Augustine, Florida. Our geotechnical services included 10 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings within the proposed structure areas, plus shallow auger borings within the new pavement and pond areas. Based on the results of the borings, shallow foundations were recommended for support of both structures. During construction, MAE provided soil testing services including obtaining samples of the on-site and import fill soils for Proctor testing and performing field density tests on all compacted soils for utilities, foundations, floor slabs and pavements. Concrete cylinders were cast for all freshly mixed concrete placed for both structures for compressive strength testing. Early concrete tests were requested for the tilt panel walls prior to raising them for the classroom and gymnasium structures. MAE also provided welded and bolted connection inspection services for both structures.